Journal of Educational Computing Research |
Niemiec, Sikorski, & Walberg |
Learner-control effects: a review of reviews and a meta-analysis |
1996 |
Student control over learning in ICT |
24 |
0 |
24 |
-0.03 |
Psychological Bulletin |
Patall, Cooper, & Robinson |
The effects of choice on intrinsic motivation and related outcomes: a meta-analysis of research findings |
2008 |
Control over learning on subsequent control |
41 |
0 |
14 |
0.10 |
Review of Educational Research |
Karich, Burns, & Maki |
Updated meta-analysis of learner control within educational technology |
2014 |
Control over learning in ICT |
18 |
3,618 |
29 |
0.05 |
Human factors |
Carolan, Hutchins, & Wickens |
Costs and benefits of more learner freedom: Meta-analyses of exploratory and learner control training methods. |
2014 |
Control over learning |
40 |
0 |
144 |
0.02 |
Dissertation |
Parsons |
A meta-analysis of learner control in computer-based learning environments. |
1992 |
Control over learning in ICT |
41 |
4,375 |
94 |
-0.04 |
Journal of Business Psychology |
Landers & Reddock |
A meta-analytic investigation of objective learner control in web-based instruction. |
2017 |
Control over learning in ICT |
62 |
2,014 |
78 |
0.02 |
226 |
10,007 |
383 |
0.02 |