Spatial skills / training
- Influence: Spatial skills / training
- Domain: Curricula
- Sub-Domain: Other curricula programs
- Potential to Accelerate Student Achievement: Potential to considerably accelerate
- Influence Definition: Spatial skills refer to the cognitive processing of spatial information, which concerns shapes, locations, paths, relations among entities and relations between entities and frames of reference
- Number of meta-analyses: 2
- Number of studies: 49
- Number of students: 3,765
- Number of effects: 109
- Weighted mean effect size: 0.56
- Robustness index: 2
Journal Title | Author | First Author's Country | Article Name | Year Published | Variable | Number of Studies | Number of Students | Number of Effects | Effect Size |
Developmental Psychology | Hawes | Canada | Effects of spatial training on mathematics performance: A meta-analysis. | 2022 | Spatial training on math | 29 | 3,765 | 89 | 0.28 |
Frontiers in Psychology | Yang, Liu, Chen, Xu, & Lin | China | Is early spatial skills training effective? A Meta-analysis | 2020 | Spatial skills on achievement | 20 | 0 | 20 | 0.96 |
TOTAL/AVERAGE | 49 | 3,765 | 109 | 0.62 |